Partners in Argentina
- El Impenetrable S.R.L.
Corrientes - Electricidad Mitidieri
Balcarce - EnerOne S.A.
Villa María - Frecuencia Solar
Ciudad De Buenos Aires - Grupo Solper S.R.L.
Tunuyán - HALO Solar
Lincoln - Hidrocampo
Capitán Sarmiento - Inar
San Juan - Insolar
Olavarría - IRRINOR
Pilar - La Aguada Gualtieri
5800 Río Cuarto - Límine Energía Renovable
what's the meaning of LORENTZ partner levels?
We operate a professional sales channel model. This means customers can be assured that they are working with people who are trained, competent and committed to representing and installing LORENTZ products in a professional way. These partners are supported by LORENTZ with the latest training, tools, knowledge, information and support.
PDP (Premier Distribution Partners) and DP (Distribution Partners) stock products, provide local support and training on LORENTZ products to local sales and service partners.
PSSP (Premier Sales and Service Partners) and SSP (Sales and Service Partners) use their local knowledge and expertise to provide sales, installation and support to customers in the local markets. If you are looking to have a pump installed then speak to one of our PSSP or SSPs.